What Does The Troop
Bolo Mean?
The Troop Bolo is to be warn as part of your Troop
uniform. It is your Troop identity. On the back of the wood
is your name and the year that you joined the troop. The innermost
bead represents the year that you joined.
1988-1992 Grey
1993-1997 Purple
1998-2002 Black
2003-2007 Orange
2008-2012 Tan
The Brown beads are "year beads". One bead for each
A Brown bead w/ 1 stripe is a 5 year bead.
A Brown bead w/ 2 stripes is a 10 year bead.
The Red bead is for becoming a First Class Scout.
The Blue bead is for being an Eagle Scout.
A Yellow bead is for attending a Council JLT week.
A Yellow bead w/ green stripe is for being on JLT Staff.
A Yellow bead w/ black stripe is for being on Summer Camp Staff
The Green bead is for being the SPL.
The Green bead w/ black stripe is for being Scoutmaster.
Nights of Camping Stripes...
Blue – 25 nights
Red – 50 nights
Green – 100 nights
Yellow – 200 nights

This bolo is more then the
parts that make it,
it is a symbol of our Troop and our beliefs.
The bolo is made of
leather to symbolize "Strength". The two overlapping
knots are like a forearm grip, "Strong and Sure". The
Wood is a symbol of "Nature" and our respect for it and the
end is charred as a sign of "Unity". Like a fire, many
becoming one.
Wear it with Pride and Honor,
for it is you.