Happy New Year!
Congratulations to Justin Darling, Troop 123’s newest Eagle Scout! He completed his Journey to Eagle December 15th after being approved by a Board of Review. Next time you see him make sure to recognize his momentous achievement despite the pandemic.
We are resuming troop meetings Monday, January 4th, in person at Sharon Hall with all the previous health and safety measures in place. This month’s theme is Winter Camping. We are also preparing for this month’s campout which is the Klondike Derby January 29-31 at Camp Lazarus.
Order of the Arrow: OA elections are scheduled for January 25. The OA is a brotherhood of scouts and scouters dedicated to cheerful service to scouting. They help maintain our SKC Council camps as well as provide a next level of scouting to older scouts through fellowship and Native American tradition. If you/your scout is interested in being a member of the OA and has questions see Scoutmaster Fann or any other OA member in the Troop that has a lodge flap on the pocket of their shirt. The requirements to be on the ballot are First Class rank, 20 nights of camping including one long term experience (like summer camp) and the approval of the Scoutmaster. Please see Scoutmaster Fann to be added to the ballot if you are eligible.
Summer Camp: Normally we would be having a parent meeting about upcoming summer events. Due to the current circumstances, we will not have that meeting on January 11 as is on the calendar. We are however still planning to go to Summer camp at Camp Powhatan June 20-26. As a backup plan we will be going to Beaumont Scout Reservation. More details will be coming soon but if you/your scout would like to attend Summer camp please make a $100 deposit to Mrs. Stone by February 1 to lock in your spot. Cost for camp is projected to be about $400.
High Adventure: Mr. Canini has committed to make up for last year’s cancelled High Adventure Pitt to DC Bike Trip this year. This event is open to scouts 14 and older. The scouts will ride from roughly Pittsburgh, PA to Washington DC, approximately 300 miles July 9-17. Just as with summer camp we ask for a $100 deposit/commitment by February 1. There will also be a series of shakedown rides that are mandatory to go on the trip. Please see Mr. Canini for more details and questions. If you know of scouts outside the troop that might be interested in this trip they are welcome to join with Mr. Canini’s approval.
Webelos Crossover: If anyone knows of AOL Webelos that would like to look at our troop and potentially crossover to us please invite them to visit. We all need to be a part of recruiting new scouts to Troop 123.
January Schedule:
- January 4: Troop Meeting @ Sharon Hall (7:00 to 8:30 pm)
- January 11: Troop Meeting @ Sharon Hall (7:00 to 8:30 pm)
- January 18: Troop Meeting @ Sharon Hall (7:00 to 8:30 pm)
- January 25: Troop Meeting & OA Elections @ Sharon Hall (7:00 to 8:30 pm)
- January 209 – 31: Klondike Derby @ Camp Lazarus
- February 1: PLC and Committee meetings @ Sharon Hall (7:00 to 8:00 pm)