Monday 3/8 – Troop meeting: Please arrive at 6:45 if possible. We have been asked to perform some outdoor clean up at the hall. It will not take long if we have a good number of helpers to get it done. The PLC decided to have scouts arrive 15 minutes early instead of using meeting time. Bring gloves. This meeting will be the last chance to have a scoutmaster conference and board of review for rank and last chance to finish up any merit badges before the Spring Court of Honor.
Saturday 3/13 – Maple Festival at Camp Lazarus: We have committed to help at the Maple Fest with the BB range. The more participation we get the shorter each shift will be leaving more time for the scouts to see the rest of the events at the festival. Lunch is provided and your time working at the range will count as service hours toward rank advancement. We will meet at Camp in the main parking lot at 8:00 am where we will check in and get our lunch tickets then head to the range. The festival ends at 4:00 after we finish cleaning up our area, meet back in the main lot for pick up. Wear your class A uniform for this event.
Sunday 3/14 – Troop 123 Spring Court of Honor: at Camp Lazarus
We moved the spring court of honor to Sunday so all of our families can participate in celebrating the achievements of our scouts over the past months and install our new troop leadership. It will be in the Exchange Lodge at Camp Lazarus. This building will allow everyone to gather indoors and be able to keep distance. Masks are still required. Refreshments will be served afterwards
The PLC elected to not have a meeting on Monday 3/15 after the Court of Honor. Instead they will conduct all necessary troop business including menu planning for the campot after the Court of Honor ceremony is completed. This will be the last opportunity to sign up for the campout.
March 3/19 – 21/2021 Caving Campout: We will be caving in Kentucky. Mr. Kelly spoke with the troop last week about the caves and being prepared for this trip. If you missed the presentation you can still go. Sign up by the Court of Honor where the patrols will be planning menus
The Court of Honor is also the deadline to sign up for summer camp at Camp Powhatan. Please make your commitment and make the $200 deposit to Mrs. Stone on or before March 14th!