The Patrol Leader Council (PLC) in collaboration with the adult leadership have created an exciting Scouting program for the 2021 – 2022 Scouting Year. Please check our calendar for more detailed information.
- September 2021:
- Theme: Rapelling
- Campout: Rappelling @ Camp Falling Rock
- Special Events:
- Volunteering at St. Micheal’s Festival
- Court of Honor and Annual Banquet
- Fall Troop Elections
- Fall Junior Leader Training
- October 2021:
- Theme: Shooting Sports
- Campout: Shooting Sports & Flag Retirement @ Centerburg Conservation Club
- Special Event: Webelos Open House
- November 2021:
- Theme: Service
- Campout: District Fall Camporee – Quest the Cuyahoga Valley @ Camp Butler
- Special Events: Webelos Open House
- December 2021:
- Theme: Aviation/Space Exploration
- Campout: Wright-Patt AFB Museum Visit and camping @ Camp Birch
- Special Events:
- Friendship Sunday
- Court of Honor
- January 2022:
- Theme: Technology/Cyber-Chip
- Campout: LAN Campout
- Special Events:
- Parent’s Meeting
- Klondike Derby
- February 2022:
- Theme: Snow Sports
- Campout: Snow Sports @ Camp Otter Run and Mad River Skiiing
- Special Events:
- Scout Sunday
- Spring Troop Elections
- Spring Junior Leader Training
- March 2022:
- Theme: Pioneering/Engineering
- Campout: Pioneering/Engineering @ Camp Falling Rock
- Special Events:
- SKC Maple Fest
- Court of Honor
- April 2022:
- Theme: Scout Skills
- Campout: SKC Thunderbase 2022 @ Ross County Fairgrounds
- Special Events: NYLT (National Youth Leadership Training) Simon Kenton opportunity
- May: 2022:
- Theme: Disabilities Awareness
- Campout: Disabilities Awareness Campout @ John Beltz Retreat Center
- Special Events:
- Placing flags on veterans’ graves at Greenwood Cemetery
- Worthington Memorial Day Parade
- Flag Raising at Resurrection Cemetery on Memorial Day
- June 2022:
- Theme: Summer Camp
- Campout: Summer Camp @ Woodlands Trail
- Special Events:
- NYLT (National Youth Leadership Training) Nagatamen opportunity
- NYLT (National Youth Leadership Training) Trailblazer opportunity
- July 2022:
- Theme: Summer Trip
- Campout: Camping @ East Harbor State Park w/trip to Cedar Point
- Special Events: NYLT (National Youth Leadership Training) True North opportunity
- August 2022:
- Theme: Aquatics
- Campout: Aquatic Sports @ Delaware State Park
- Special Events:
- PLC Annual Planning Meeting
- St. Micheal’s Festival set up
- September 2022:
- Theme: Scout Olympics
- Campout: Scout Olympics Campout @ Camp Lazarus
- Special Events:
- Volunteering at St. Micheal’s Festival
- Court of Honor and Annual Banquet
- Junior Leader Training