The BSA Uniform and Insignia Guide is a good resource for the placement of patches and other insignia on the Scout Uniform. Troop 123’s Class A uniform should be worn to all Scout meetings—except for the meetings between Summer Camp and the September Court of Honor, when Class B (any Scouting t-shirt or other non-uniform Scout shirt) is appropriate—to and from campouts, and for any Scoutmaster Conference and Board of Review. Class A uniform includes:
- Scout Shirt
- Scout Pants (shorts optional)
- Scout Belt
- Scout Socks
- Hiking Boots
- Merit Badge Sash (when appropriate)
- Troop Bolo (see below)
- Neckerchief and slide. Troop neckerchief is red w/black piping and black BSA logo

Troop 123 Neckerchief

Troop 123 Patrol Leader/Troop Guide Neckerchief

Troop 123 Senior Patrol Neckerchief
What Does The Troop Bolo Mean?
The Troop Bolo is to be warn as part of your Troop uniform. It is your Troop identity. This bolo is more then the parts that make it, it is a symbol of our Troop and our beliefs:
- The bolo is made of leather to symbolize “Strength”
- The two overlapping knots are like a forearm grip, “Strong and Sure”
- The Wood is a symbol of “Nature” and our respect for it and the end is charred as a sign of “Unity”. Like a fire, many becoming one.
Wear it with Pride and Honor, for it is you.
On the back of the wood is your name and the year that you joined the troop.
Each bead represents a part of the scout journey.
- The innermost bead represents the year that you joined.
- 1988-1992 Grey
- 1993-1997 Purple
- 1998-2002 Black
- 2003-2007 Orange
- 2008-2012 Tan
- 2013-2017 Grey w/1 stripe
- 2018-2022 Purple w/1 stripe
- 2023-2027 Black w/1 stripe
- 2028-2032 Orange w/1 stripe
- 2033-2037 Tan w/1 stripe
- The innermost bead represents the year that you joined.
- The Brown beads are “year beads”. Each brown bead represents the number of years in the troop, with one bead for each year or a brown bead with a stripe for 5 years or 2 stripes for 10 years.
- The Red bead is for becoming a First Class Scout.
- The Blue bead is for being an Eagle Scout.
- A Yellow bead indicates training accomplishments, Nagatamen, JYLT, Wood Badge.
- A Yellow bead w/ green stripe is for being on training staff.
- A Yellow bead w/ black stripe is for being on Summer Camp Staff.
- The Green bead is for being the Senior Patrol Leader (SPL).
- The Green bead w/ black stripe is for being Scoutmaster.
- White beads indicate Order of Arrow member with 1 red stripe for Brotherhood member and 2 for Vigil Honor.
- Nights of Camping Stripes:
- Blue – 25 nights
- Red – 50 nights
- Green – 100 nights
- Yellow – 200 nights
- White – Polar camping for tent camping in December, January, & February.