This Planning Conference is very important to your Troop and its Scouts; therefore, participation is mandatory for PLC Scouts. As a participant in this conference you will be developing the 2019-2020 Troop program. Troop 123 belongs to you, the Scouts. We will be building the program that you want. Your ideas and thoughts will be the foundation on which we will build the best Troop in the District, but I need your help. Enclosed you will find several items that will help you prepare for the Planning Conference:
The Planning Conference is Sunday, August 18th, at Mr. Weisenberger’s house: 7105 Lakebrook Blvd. Columbus, 43235.
We will start promptly at 1:00 pm so don’t be late. We will end by about 5:00 pm. Please come in a Class “B” uniform to this event.
Please download the Agenda & Planning Worksheets and com PREPARED!