The month ahead, November 2019…

Monday, October 28th – Troop Meeting & Webelo open house
Please be on time to the meeting to welcome any visiting Webelos. The PLC has planned activities to do with them, make sure you are in full class A uniform we want to look sharp in front of our potential new members.
Final orders for popcorn and wreaths are due. Popcorn sales are optional and all profits go your Scout account. We ask that you sell at least two wreaths/Christmas greenery items as the proceeds keep the troop operating.

Monday, November 4th – Troop Meeting
If you are attending the campout you need to attend the meeting. Mr. Herman will be talking about the shooting portion of the weekend and gathering information about what you want to shoot (rifle/shotgun) so he can be prepared with adequate supplies and the cost associated for the ammunition. Menus will also be made for the campout.

November 8-10 Campout – Dillon State Park Range
This is our annual shooting campout, Thanksgiving feast and flag retirement ceremony. The adults will be preparing a Thanksgiving style feast for the entire Troop while the Scouts are participating in shooting activities with Mr. Herman and Mr. Cave. We will be performing a service project at the facility. Additionally, we will conduct a flag retirement ceremony for all American flags that have past their serviceable life. If you have flags that need retired please bring them to a meeting before the campout as they need to properly prepared before the ceremony.

Monday, November 11th – PLC Meeting & Committee Meeting

Wednesday, November 13th – Worthington Webelos open house
7:00-8:00pm at Bluffsview Elementary our Troop, along with the other Troops in Worthington, will be showcasing our Troop to show why Troop 123 is the best choice for Webelos to crossover to. We will need several Scouts to help with this recruiting event.

Monday, November 18th – Troop Meeting & Webelo open house
Our second Troop open house, please plan on attending just as our first open house. The remainder of this meeting will be planned at the 11/11 PLC meeting.