August 2020 T123 Activities

We’ll continue to meet Monday evenings, 7:00 – 8:30, at Selby park with Class B uniforms, masks and appropriate social distancing. Please remember to bring a chair.

Patrol Leader Council (PLC) and adult leadership will meet on Sunday, August 16 for the annual planning meeting — 1:00 to 5:00 PM at the Stone residence.

The August campout is canoeing the Mohican River August 21-23.   We will be camping at and Canoeing from Mohican Adventures in Loudonville, OH.  Just as with summer camp we ask that you monitor your health and if you do not feel well please do not attend.  We will be taking temperatures before we depart Friday and on Saturday morning before going on the river.   We also ask that each scout tent individually except for household/family members, they can tent together.  Meal preparation will also be different.  Each patrol will need to have ONE person prepare and serve meals.  This is a change as normally meal prep is a team effort.  Patrols should take this into account when planning menus.  Don’t forget your mask, it will need to be worn anytime a social distance of 6 feet cannot be maintained.    Transportation to this event will be different as well.  If a parent would like to transport their scout to Mohican Adventures Friday evening and pick them up Sunday morning that is certainly an option.  The drive to Loudonville is approximately 1.5 hours.  If there are enough willing adult leader drivers/parents we can transport scouts with everyone wearing a mask while traveling in the car and a limit of four people including the driver per vehicle.  The cost of the trip is $65.00  This includes camping fees, food, the 15 mile canoe trip, a round of mini golf and 2 rides on the go karts.  Please sign up and sign the release form no later than the Troop meeting, Monday August 17th.