St. Michael’s Festival

Monday, August 29 the Troop will help the St. Michael’s Festival Committee unload the storage garage.  We will meet at 6:00pm that night; please wear work clothes (and Class B shirt) and bring gloves.   We will have a short meeting after we are done ending at our normal time of 8:30pm.  The Troop also has two other responsibilities at the festival:

  • Clean up: On Saturday and Sunday mornings (September 3 & 4) at 9:00am we will meet to clean up the grounds from the night before.  Again wear work clothes (and Class B shirt) and bring gloves.   
  • Frog Booth: The Troop also staffs the Frog Booth.  We need two Scouts per shift:
    • Friday: 7:00-9:00pm and 9:00-11:00pm
    • Saturday: 5:00-7:00pm, 7:00-9:00pm and 9:00-11:00pm

All Scouts are required to help with the festival by helping at least one of the two mornings and at least one of the booth shifts.  Time spent volunteering at the booth and unloading the festival garage count as service hours for both scouting or school related service hour requirements.   There will be sign up sheets at the PLC Monday, August 22 and at the meeting/garage unloading August 29, please be sure to sign up. 

Finally, there is also an opportunity for anyone to help tear down and clean up the festival on Labor day Monday, September 5, starting at 8:00am.